Wednesday, 30 September 2015

PRELIM TASK: Audience Feedback

PRELIM TASK: Finished Products

This is the final outcome of my magazine front cover and contents page.
I feel that they work well together because they have the same colour
scheme and also some more subtle links between each other. I have looked
at real media texts, analysing them to pay attention to detail and incorporate
professional ideas into my own work. I picked out certain aspects of real
magazines which I liked and then added them into my own magazine adding
small improvements along the way. I chose this colour scheme in relation to the image of my model. (e.g. the pink from her lips or the green from the book). I found that relating everything back to the image helped it come together as
a whole and look as professional as possible.

PRELIM TASK: Contents Image Choices

PRELIM TASK: Contents Layout Decisions

Monday, 21 September 2015

PRELIM TASK: Reader Profile

Hi, my name is Anna. I am 16 years old and I have started my A levels in year 12 at Norbury Manor Sixth Form. I am studying Maths, RS, Art and Psychology. I am quite an academic student however, I also have a very creative side as I love art. I have a very heavy workload and many deadlines to keep up with which often causes me stress. I tend to deal with this stress through art as it relaxes me and allows me to express myself. It helps but is not always effective so I would love to have some advice on other ways to deal with the stress of school.

I sometimes also struggle with motivation to study as revising the same thing over again from a book can get quite boring. I think it would be very helpful to learn about more interesting and effective revision techniques which perhaps are more active so that I wont get bored easily but at the same time I would be revising effectively.

The jump from GCSE's to A levels is huge which makes it difficult for me to settle into my subjects. I would like advice on how to manage my time so that I can focus on all my subjects equally but still have some free time each week. I am managing okay at the moment but some extra guidance would be much appreciated.

PRELIM TASK: Teen Vogue Magazine Deconstruction

Teen Vogue Magazine Deconstruction

Friday, 18 September 2015

PRELIM TASK: My Initial ideas

Hi! Welcome to my AS media studies blog. My name is Aamina and I am studying Art, Media and English Literature. Here I will be posting and updating my progress towards my project which is to create a school/college magazine front cover and contents page. This will be aimed towards students who have began the transition between GCSE's and A-levels. I understand the layout and features of a good magazine front cover which I am confident in designing as I feel that I can incorporate my creativity into it.

I am not completely confident about the more technical aspects of this project as I haven't had much practice in blogging however I will try my best to understand features which I haven't used before. I look forward to adding to this blog and learning new things along the way.